CityRide - find bike and ride

City Ride is a service that provides city bikes on subscription. This will be on android or iOS devices, as well as a pickup and pay dashboard located with the bikes. We have taken advantage of upcoming technologies like interesting devices and utilized ideas for a user to have fewer steps from arriving on a bike.

Project TypeMobile App, Cycle & Device Design
RoleResearch, Product & UX Design

Antwerp - the Smart City

Over the past two years, Antwerp has built upon its well-established reputation as a bicycle-friendly city. The city’s recent bicycle plan has focused work to improve and connect the cycling network through intersection improvements, traffic light management, and an aim to lower speed limits. Antwerp’s bicycle modal share rose from 29 to 33 percent from 2014 to 2018, with a slight majority of female bicycle commuters.

What we are offering

The City Ride is an initiative that provides an affordable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly transport network. It will allow its users to move from one destination to another destination at a very low cost. The app aims to help casual and annual members use the bike scheme more effectively.

The Audience

Our persona hypothesis consisted of three different archetypes which we used to facilitate discussions about our users’ needs, desires, and varying contexts of use. Through careful analysis of our research, we identified sufficient behavioral variables to segment our user audience. These variables could be categorized into activities such as frequency of use of the scheme, skills such as riding confidence, and motivations such as reasons for cycling.

John Doe
Age 32
Software Engineer

A Daily Commuter - John always uses his phone to check if there are any bikes available at his nearby docking station. John is habituated to this service for regular commuting. John enjoys using the scheme because it’s more reliable and safe than catching the metro-train everyday.

- Has taken up regularly cycling to his office in the square mile.
- A regular member of City Ride.
- Quite confident on the road and riding the bike.

- Enjoys the time-saving and convenience of the journey.
- Good health and fitness.
- Prefers the comfort of cycling over the Metro-train.

- To commute to work reliably and painlessly.

James Frank
Age 28
English Teacher

A Casual User - James likes to mix it up and often combines walking, buses, and trains to get to where he needs to be. Rather than relying on the metro-train, James prefers to walk or cycle when the situation is right. He is motivated by knowing that walking or riding is better for health and the environment and also a cheaper alternative.

- Cycles 3-5 times a week when situation and weather are good.
- Often combines different modes of transport like train and cycle.
- New to commuting by bike and becoming more confident.
- Thinking of becoming a regular member.

- Likes having access to a cost-effective mode of getting around.
- Good health and fitness.
- Enjoys the fact that he’s doing the right things to move towards a greener alternative.

- A cost-effective mode of transport.
- Burn a good number of calories.

Age 29
Fashion Designer

A Hesitant Prospect - Natalie has recently moved to Antwerp from Ghent and has noticed many people riding the City Ride service around the city. Leaving her own bike at her parents’ place. Natalie is thinking that the bikes could be a better way to commute to and from work. Although she owns a bike, she isn’t a very confident rider and feels hesitant to ride around in Antwerp.

- Used to own a bike but hasn’t ever cycled in Antwerp.
- Not a member but thinking of trying the scheme to get to work.
- Owns a smartphone running Android.

- Worried about safety on the road.
- Proper navigation on the road, because she is new in the city.
- Keen to talk to a friend who’s tried the scheme/package for reassurance.

- To be able to trial the scheme in a safe environment.
- An alternative, safe, fast way to commute to work.

Rider Empathy

- People want to skip metro-rail due to the COVID-19 situation;
- A cost-effective mode of transport;
- Want to commute reliably and painlessly;
- Convenience and time-saving;
- Proper navigation on the road;
- Want to burn a good amount of calories;
- Doing something right to keep the environment safe and green (carbon);
- Want to try something new but need a test/trial option;
- Variety of schemes/packages as per necessity.

Visualizing the end-to-end

Combining through our research and brainstorming the different things people do before, during, and after riding allowed me to come up with a broad set of tasks–quickly. I categorized and segmented the tasks into behavioral affinities and aligned content and features. This gave me a way to visualize what existing functionality and content would be useful, what tasks needed support, what opportunities were available to innovate, and also what could be discarded from the existing app.

User Flow


There are lots of great tools for drawing wireframes today. But I prefer the initial wireframe by pen and paper. Because this is the best way to kick start any new project. It is so easy to share just upload them to Dropbox, Google Drive, or message them to the discussion room in Slack.



The Bike and the reason behind this

- This is a unisex bike - as it focuses more on creating a wide range of options for a wide range of body types;
- The smaller frame which is comfortable for women as well;
- Step-thru frame for wearing skirts or any other dresses;
- Female-friendly saddles;
- Shorter reach brake levers.

City Ride Service

- Easy to understand, no help or tutorial required;
- Slick, professional, and modern feel;
- Feel the power of detailing and its presentation.

Caption: As a user, I want to connect with City Ride service.
Caption: As a user, I want to share my photo to identify myself.
Caption: As a user, I want to select subscription plan to avail the service.
Caption: As a user, I want to check the nearest bike dock for bike availability and set my destination point to find the drop-off dock point.
Caption: As a user, I want to reach the pick-up point.
Caption: As a user, I want to unlock the bike and pick it up.
Caption: As a user, I want to start riding via Alpha to reach my destination.

What is Alpha

Alpha is a navigation tool that connects to Google maps in your mobile over Bluetooth. A simple system in Alpha gives you direction without holding up your phone. The device Alpha was inspired by a product like who is a navigation system for your motorcycle.

Why Alpha?

- Taking your phone out while driving to check whether you are going in a correct way may lead to accidents;
- People keep their expensive phones on the handle to navigate. The problem is it distracts you with the notification call. Also, your phone may fall, and you may lose your valuable device.

What is Alpha's Goal

- Reduce the need to check mobile while riding;
- Get rid of everything that is not crucial;
- Safety;
- Manage complex navigation by using only three symbols.

Caption: Unlock bike via Alpha
Caption: How will the navigation system work? Notify the user three blocks before, to reduce the anxiousness of the rider.
Caption: In the middle of the ride, I am having some trouble and want to report an issue.
Caption: As a user, I want to dock a bike at drop-off.
Caption: As a user, I want to see my regular activity and other menu options.

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